Rules for Grant​
This grant will be awarded 2 times per calendar year.
All applications must be submitted prior to the date of the conference.
Grant applications must be turned in at least 3 weeks before the conference fee due date. Requests for grant funds will be considered by the KCPA board.
The applicant must be a current member of KCPA and a member of the previous membership year.
Criteria for the KCPA Board to assess a grant application include the involvement of the member of KCPA, appropriateness of the topic to other members of KCPA, and the information provided on the application.
A KCPA member may receive a KCPA grant one time per fiscal year.
The recipient of a KCPA grant will be announced to the KCPA members in social media posts and other membership communication.
A check for tuition will be made out of the sponsoring group or facility or to the KCPA member with appropriate receipts.
No one will be discriminated against the basis of race, color, national origin, age, or sex.